Upcoming Events

NAGICO Supports SMDF Elderly Clients

NAGICO Supports SMDF Elderly Clients

Opening up its 1000 Smiles Project, NAGICO Insurances began its October activities by supporting St. Maarten Development Fund’s (SMDF) Senior Project.

November 5, 2018February 11, 2020by
NAGICO Joins SMDF as Corporate Partner

NAGICO Joins SMDF as Corporate Partner

PHILIPSBURG – Deepening its ties with St. Maarten’s business community, St. Maarten Development Fund (SMDF) welcomes its newest corporate partner, NAGICO Insurances. With its commitment to supporting community development, NAGICO is partnering with SMDF to identify areas where social needs are most prevalent. In speaking about NAGICO’s support, SMDF Program and Development Manager Makhicia Brooks...

October 5, 2018March 3, 2020by