Moving full speed ahead with its senior relief program, the St. Maarten Development Fund (SMDF) took its first towards Alleviating the Living Conditions of the Elderly via the purchase of four new buses for the Helping Hands Foundation.
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SMDF Creates Driveway for Senior Citizen
Opening up its 1000 Smiles Project, NAGICO Insurances began its October activities by supporting St. Maarten Development Fund’s (SMDF) Senior Project.
Community Partners Support Fritz Pantophlet
PHILIPSBURG – In what can be described as an act of collaboration amongst community partners, Yacht Club Isle De Sol Marina, St. Maarten Development Fund (SMDF), SXM Airport and Movement for Advanced Development (M.A.D.) Foundation came together to assist resident Fritz Pantophlet. Pantophlet, who is wheelchair bound, received direct support from the group of four...
SMDF Buys Bus for Home Away From Home
Continuing to execute the transportation component of its Senior Relief Project, the St. Maarten Development Fund (SMDF) presented a new bus to the Home Away From Foundation on October 18th.